
Patti Dalsin: ‘A Passion for Life-long Learning and Service’

Volunteering is a great way to gain work experience, develop valuable connections and transferable skills, explore different career opportunities, as well as to contribute positively to society. At Making Changes Association, volunteers are the backbone of all our efforts. We have a strong and committed volunteer body that works tirelessly to make a difference in the lives of women, young girls, and those who identify as women.

This team of bright, energetic, talented, and committed volunteers is led by Patti Dalsin, Manager, Volunteers and Operations. We have always admired Patti’s sense of style, personality, and keen sense of humor. We sat down with her to have a heart-to-heart about her career, professional and other experiences, and why her work is important to her. 

Q: Tell us about your career and past professional experience.

Patti: I had been an elementary school teacher for 25 years. Since I came from a family of teachers, it was only logical for me to become one. As a teacher, I really enjoyed working with children; however, it was only when I taught at Bow Valley College later in my career, I discovered that I loved working with adult learners. There is a different level of connection, and it really is a two-way street where both learner and instructor have opportunities to learn from each other. I thoroughly enjoy the experience of learning from our clients, volunteers, and course participants about other professions, career paths people had taken in the past as well as the cultures and traditions of many diverse communities in Calgary.

Q: How would you describe your journey so far at Making Changes?

Patti: My journey at Making Changes began in 2013 with an introduction by a friend who was volunteering as a stylist. Like her, I started out as a stylist and immediately loved the place and my work because of my strong belief that women should be in charge of their own destinies and financial independence. Later, I joined the current position after the position became vacant.

“I see myself as a life-long learner. My work has also made me more aware of the diversity, inclusion, and antiracism efforts to ensure that these practices are involved in everything Making Changes does.”

From day one, I have really enjoyed my work with the volunteers! Fortunately, getting volunteers is hardly ever a problem for us as we get so many applications that there is always a waitlist. This also speaks to the impact of Making Changes where the community can see the difference we make in the lives of thousands of clients and program participants through our work, and they volunteer to contribute to the efforts. I am very proud of all my volunteers who work with such dedication, creativity, and a strong commitment to women’s finding their next steps to becoming financially and professionally secure.  

Q: What are the key benefits of volunteering at Making Changes?

Patti: There are many benefits of volunteering with us. First of all, the volunteers get the opportunity to build relationships with other women, whether they are staff, other volunteers, or clients. Over the years, I have seen many friendships grow and women supporting and building each other up which is a wonderful gain for all. Volunteers also have the benefit of getting reference letters for their employment-related or educational efforts.

The most important benefit that I see is the two-way impact created in the 90-minute interaction between the volunteers and the clients. Clients usually have ‘Aha’ moments when trying out different styles, and clothing options and find their style that they probably never paid attention to or were never aware of, which makes them happy and feel positive. On the other hand, volunteers, using their passion for fashion and style, get the deep satisfaction of guiding the clients to find their sense of professional attire and leave with big smiles. In addition, the successes of our clients are cheered on whenever a client informs us that they have been employed or have started educational pursuits. That is very important for us!

Q: What is the best aspect of your work?

Patti: Being a social person, meeting new women from all kinds of contexts and age groups is simply amazing. It has changed my outlook on so many aspects of support that is and can be provided to uphold women of all ages. I am truly inspired by women who despite facing all kinds of barriers and challenges, don’t give up. The best part of it all is to see women and young girls feel good about themselves and their future as they leave content, positive and happy.

Q: What do you consider as a key accomplishment of your tenure at Making Changes?

I feel very proud of my active participation in setting up My Best Friend’s Closet at the new location. Since then, the program has thrived, setting up teen girls with not only clothing and accessories but also providing guidance through workshops, and facilitating the growth of a dedicated team of volunteers. It’s been amazing to see the program grow strength to strength and become a valuable resource to support youth in Calgary.

Q: How would you describe yourself as a person?

Patti: I see myself as a life-long learner. My work has also made me more aware of the diversity, inclusion, and antiracism efforts to ensure that these practices are involved in everything Making Changes does. In the past year, it has been the biggest learning experience for me to reflect on who I am as a person and how I can ensure diversity and inclusion in my daily life because it is very important for me. I am very thankful for the opportunity to lead the efforts to ensure that all diversity, inclusion, and antiracism-related awareness and education opportunities are shared with the staff and volunteers.

Q: How would you describe the future of Making Changes as an organization?

Patti: I see a great potential in Making Changes to grow significantly in the near future and become a hub of resources for supporting women, young girls, and all those who identify as women through innovative programming, information, and a host of support services.

Q: What do you see for yourself in the future?

Patti: I love good humor and spending time with my grandchildren. I hope to continue working with volunteers, helping women and all those who identify as females, and facilitating a safe and fun space at work. On a personal level, I want to share many fun and learning experiences with my grandkids so that they also are aware of the world and all the wonderful things it has to offer. I would also love to visit Tahiti soon which has been on my travel list for a while!

Thank you, Patti, for all you do for Making Changes and the volunteer team. We wish you all the best and hope all your dreams come true!  

If you would like to volunteer with us, we welcome volunteers who can assist with styling, donation sorting, special events, mentoring, and resume and interview support. Please visit the following link to apply:

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Alison Law: ‘Things That Matter’

“Clothes totally matter. They make a difference on how we are received by each other.”

Alison Law speaks with an authority to which she is fully entitled. One of the most visually talented creative minds in Calgary, she is also one of the city’s best-kept secrets.

Her interior design business, Studio A Interiors, needs no promotion. A word of mouth, friend of a friend referral network keeps her busy. Clients who work with her receive far more than a beautiful environment within which to live.

Alison becomes animated as she describes a recent project, a home office for a health care worker who was one of many at the front line throughout the pandemic. The constant pressure and stress of critical contact tracing in the race against time was taking its toll on her. As Alison describes her redesign of the space, it is clear that her primary concern was to create an environment that would nurture her client. 

Reorienting the desk to give her client a soothing view into nature, comfortable chairs for family members coming in for a quick supportive visit, and an ottoman for man’s best friend – her puppy.  The focus is always on the needs of the person. Colours, shapes and textures get folded in as the design process develops. It is not about the expense of the pieces, but rather how the space serves the person. The client’s response to the end result?  Absolute joy. “This must be your best work ever! You need it on your website.”

In actual fact, everything that Alison creates is her “best work ever”. 

I am lounging comfortably under shady trees in her backyard oasis. The trickle of water from the small fountain disrupts the stillness of the afternoon. I feel utterly relaxed and am reminded of the profound influence our surroundings have on us.

I want to learn more from her about creating spaces that nurture us, as the space we inhabit plays a significant, and often overlooked, role in our personal wellbeing. Much the same way that exercise and nutrition are important, living beautifully further supports our happiness and ongoing success in life. Having a well-appointed home environment lies within the reach of all of us.

So where does one start? The advice immediately becomes practical.

“The most important aspect to address first is room layout. Figure out what you need and understand the function of the space – it’s not about money and adding things. Get rid of the clutter, but keep the personal pieces you love. When decorating always ‘shop’ your own home first. You will find things you have stored which can be repurposed and enjoyed, rather than heading to the store and purchasing meaningless accessories. Mix old with new – it will make the space feel so much more personal.” Alison continues to say that as a designer it is important to understand how clients live and work and that it is not about her own personal taste.  “Design is an intimate process. It is not a surface process.”  She talks about colour and understanding the nuances and psychological impact it has.

She delights in pushing the envelope herself and has the perfect opportunity with her rental properties.  “It has been satisfying to take old houses and, with cost-effective renovations, turn them into beautiful homes. There has been a tremendous diversity of tenants, and many have been affected very positively by living in these homes. They often stay for many years.”

“My sense of success and fulfillment comes from the clients who trust me with their homes and their everyday living. It also comes from the ability to be a creative person, and knowing that my creativity has helped others.”

Alison Law

Her own home is a magical space – every room invites you to just sit and look around at the gorgeous furniture, art and collectibles. The colours are rich and vibrant, and texture abounds. I try to maintain a veneer of politeness and not just stand and stare at it all. It makes a strong case against the starkness of minimalism as it celebrates her journey through life. It is an exquisite little jewel box demonstrating the realisation of the amazing potential that can be found in every home.

“My sense of success and fulfillment comes from the clients who trust me with their homes and their everyday living. It also comes from the ability to be a creative person, and knowing that my creativity has helped others. “

Alison understands first-hand the impact of women encouraging other women. As a new interior design graduate 32 years ago she was employed by a cabinet company. It was the wife of the owner who insisted that her husband employ a designer in this previously male domain, as the industry was shifting from merely selling cabinetry to builders on to the next level of actually creatively designing kitchens. Alison learned to navigate challenging construction sites and do her work alongside the men, soon earning their respect through her professionalism and desire to learn. “I have worked with men my whole career – they have been invaluable in teaching me the technical foundation, which underpins all good design.”

She is widely travelled and loves the outdoors. We talk about life in general. She becomes thoughtful.  “I have so much gratefulness for life, and for simple things. How lucky I feel to be in nature, to be able to go out riding my bike, healthy, and to have time to myself. I so appreciate the life we live here in Calgary, in Canada. And to have a home, a beautiful home…..”

The things that matter. Yes, clothes totally matter, and our homes and way of life matter more than most of us realise too!

Written by: Mickey Foulds