Volunteer Opportunities & Resources
A critical connection between an organization and the community are its volunteers. Volunteering largely supports the work of non-profit and charity organizations and helps impact communities. It also helps volunteers in pursuing their passion, interests and future career aspirations.
There are several organizations who provide helpful and timely information on volunteering opportunities in Calgary.
AARCS – Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society: https://www.aarcs.ca/
Calgary Drop-in Centre: https://www.calgarydropin.ca/
Calgary Food Bank: https://www.calgaryfoodbank.com/
Calgary Public Library: https://www.calgarylibrary.ca/your-library/volunteer/
Cerebral Palsy Association of Alberta (CPPA): https://www.cpalberta.com/
Diversecities: https://www.diversecities.org/
Green Calgary Association: https://www.greencalgary.org/
Grow Calgary: https://www.growcalgary.ca/
Habitat for Humanity Southern Alberta: https://www.habitatsouthernab.ca/
Inn from the Cold: https://innfromthecold.org/
Volunteer Alberta: https://volunteeralberta.ab.ca/for-volunteers/find-a-local-volunteer-centre/
Volunteer Canada: https://volunteer.ca/
Volunteer Connector: https://www.volunteerconnector.org/
Volunteer Match: https://www.volunteermatch.org/
Women’s Centre Of Calgary: http://www.womenscentrecalgary.org/
Youth Central: https://youthcentral.com/
volunteer with us!
We are looking for volunteers who want to take an active role in making Calgary a better place for women and their families.
Apply today!